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   Home -› Sammelbilder Trade cards -› S Arbuckle -› Connecticut Chromolithic Trade Card No. 17 Arbuckle Coffee 1892

Trade Card No. 17 from the Arbuckle Coffee Company. "One of a series of 50 cards giving a pictorial history of the United States and Territories". This is a unique and wonderfully illustrated card. On the reverse of the card are a few advertising words for Arbuckle Coffee plus a short history on the state of Connecticut. Chromolithographie Chromolithography out of a scrapbook, 1892, 0,3 x 0,5 inch/76 x 127 mm. Illustrations are bright and clean.

THE Connecticut Charter, adopted in 1639, was the earliest complete code of order written in America, and embodied for the first time the free representative plan which is still paramount in the States and the Republic. In 1687 Sir Edmund Andros came to Hartford, with sixty soldiers, and demanded the Charter. The precious document was laid on the table, when suddenly the lights were extinguised, and Captain Wadsworth, seizing the Charter, withdrew and secreted it in a hollow tree. The tree was thereafter known as the Charter Oak and remained standing until 1856 when it was blown down. The Charter is sacredly preserved in the Capitol in a frame made from the wood of the Charter Oak.
When the Revolution broke out, Jonathan Trumbull, a warm patriot and level-headed man was governor; and his advice was so valued by General Washington, who often suggested consulting with "Brother Jonathan," that this familiar nickname came to be the representative of American manhood and ultimately of the nation itself.
In the second war with Great Britain, Connecticut suffered greatly along its coast. New London was blockaded in 1813 until the close of the war; and Stonington, a little east of New London, became the scene of stirring events.
Into the War of Secession, Connecticut sent more than 55,000 volunteers out of 80,000 voters, and the Soldiers' Memorial Arch at Hartford commemorates those that were lost.




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